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TitleOutcomes of live renal donors with a history of nephrolithiasis; A systematic review
Authors: Bin Mohamed Ebrahim, Mohamed Eftal;Singla, A.;Yao, Jinna;Laurence, J. M.;Wong, Germaine;Lau, Howard;Lee, Taina;Yuen, Lawrence P. K.;Lim, W. H.;Pleass, Henry C. C.
WSLHD Author: Bin Mohamed Ebrahim, Mohamed Eftal;Yao, Jinna;Wong, Germaine;Lau, Howard;Lee, Taina;Yuen, Lawrence P. K.;Pleass, Henry C. C.
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Transplantation Reviews 37(1):100746, 2023
Abstract: The clinical outcomes of kidney donors with a prior history of nephrolithiasis are poorly defined. We conducted a systematic review assessing the post-donation clinical outcomes of kidney donors with a history of nephrolithiasis. Electronic databases (Ovid and Embase) were searched between 1960 and 2021 using key terms and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) - nephrolithiasis, renal stones, renal transplantation and renal graft. Articles included conference proceedings and journal articles and were not excluded based on patient numbers. Primary outcome was donor stone-related event. Secondary outcomes were renal function upon follow-up or post-operative nephrectomy complications. In summary, 340 articles were identified through database search. We identified 14 studies (16 cohorts) comprising 432 live donors followed up for a median of 26 months post live kidney donation. Six donors donated the stone-free kidney whilst 23 live donors had bilateral stones. Mean stone size was 4.2 +/- 1.4 mm (1-16) with average follow up duration of 21.1 months (1-149). Twelve studies provided primary outcome (n = 138 patients) and eight (n = 348) for secondary outcomes. One donor had a stone-related event upon follow up. A total of 195 patients had eGFR <60 upon follow up. However, they were not significantly different when compared to renal function of live donors that didn't have pre-donation nephrolithiasis. Many of the studies couldn't provide long term follow up, coupled with limited data regarding the nature of the pre-donation stone disease. In conclusion, this systematic review shows that we have very limited information upon which to base recommendation regarding pre-donation risk of post-donation complications. Longer term follow up is required and lifelong follow up with live donor registries will aid further understanding.
Journal: Transplantation Reviews
Type: Journal Article
Department: Surgery
Facility: Westmead
Keywords: Living Donors
Kidney Transplantation
Appears in Collections:Westmead Hospital 2019 - 2024

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