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TitleAustralia and New Zealand Transplant and Cellular Therapies (ANZTCT) position statement: COVID-19 management in patients with haemopoietic stem cell transplant and chimeric antigen receptor T cell
Authors: Perram, Jacinta;Purtill, D.;Bajel, A.;Butler, J.;O'Brien, T.;Teh, B.;Gilroy, Nicole M.;Ho, P. J.;Doocey, R.;Hills, T.;Perera, T.;Douglas, G.;Ramachandran, S.;Chee, L.;Trotman, J.;Weinkove, R.;Keogh, Steven;Fraser, C.;Cochrane, T.;Watson, A. M.;Diamond, P.;Latimer, M.;Irving, I.;Blyth, Emily;Cheah, C.;Cole, T.;Milliken, S.;Yang, H.;Greenwood, M.;Bardy, P.;Kennedy, G.;Larsen, S.;Conyers, R.;Hamad, N.
WSLHD Author: Perram, Jacinta;Gilroy, Nicole M.;Keogh, Steven;Blyth, Emily
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Internal Medicine Journal 53(1):119-125, 2023
Abstract: Patients with post-haemopoietic stem cell transplant or chimeric antigen receptor T -cell (CAR-T) therapy face a significant risk of morbidity and mortality from coronavirus disease 2019 because of their immunosuppressed state. As case numbers in Australia and New Zealand continue to rise, guidance on management in this high-risk population is needed. Whilst we have learned much from international colleagues who faced high infection rates early in the pandemic, guidance relevant to local health system structures, medication availability and emerging therapies is essential to equip physicians to manage our patients optimally. Copyright �� 2022 The Authors. Internal Medicine Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
Journal: Internal Medicine Journal
Type: Journal Article
Department: Haematology
Facility: Westmead
Keywords: Receptors, Chimeric Antigen
New Zealand
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Appears in Collections:Westmead Hospital 2019 - 2024

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