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TitleSmell-related quality of life changes after total laryngectomy: a multi-centre study
Authors: Wong, Eugene H.;Smith, Murray;Buchanan, M. A.;Kudpaje, A.;Williamson, A.;Hedge, P. S.;Hazan, D.;Idaire, J.;Smith, Mark C.;Sritharan, N.;Palme, C.;Riffat, Faruque
WSLHD Author: Wong, Eugene H.;Smith, Murray;Smith, Mark C.;Riffat, Faruque
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 280(8):3861-3866, 2023
Abstract: PURPOSE: A total laryngectomy creates an alternate airway for gas exchange that bypasses the upper aerodigestive tract. The subsequent reduction in nasal airflow, and therefore, reduction in deposition of particles to the olfactory neuroepithelium leads to hyposmia or anosmia. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life impairment conferred by anosmia following laryngectomy and identify any specific patient-related risk factors that are associated with poorer outcomes.Methods: Consecutive patients with a total laryngectomy presenting for review at three tertiary head and neck services (in Australia, the United Kingdom and India) over a 12-month period were recruited. Patient demographic and clinical data were collected, and each subject completed the validated assessment of self-reported olfactory functioning and olfaction-related quality of life questionnaire (ASOF). Dichotomous comparisons were performed using the student's unpaired t-test for continuous variables (SRP), a chi-squared test for categorical variables, and a Kendall's tau-b for ordinal variables (SOC) to assess for a correlation with poorer questionnaire scores.Results: A total of 66 laryngectomees (13.4% female; age 65.7 +/- 8.6 years) were included in the study. The mean SRP score of the cohort was found to be 15.6 +/- 7.4, while the mean ORQ score was noted to be 16.4 +/- 8.1. No other specific risk factors associated with poorer quality of life were identified. CONCLUSION: A significant quality of life detriment from hyposmia is conferred following laryngectomy. Further research to assess treatment options and the patient population that would best benefit from these interventions is required.
Journal: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Type: Journal Article
Study or Trial: Multicenter Study
Department: Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Facility: Westmead
Keywords: Smell
Olfaction Disorders
Quality of Life
Appears in Collections:Westmead Hospital 2019 - 2024

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