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TitleLaparoscopic tubotubal reanastomosis
Authors: St George, L. I.;Kapila, H. B.;Lahoud, R. H.
WSLHD Author: St George, L. I.
Issue Date: 1997
Citation: Med J Aust 167(7):367-8, 1997
Abstract: Normal patency was restored to the right fallopian tube of a 41-year-old sterilised woman by laparoscopic tubotubal reanastomosis. We believe that this is the first report of this procedure in Australia. Laparoscopic tubotubal reanastomosis combines the high success rates of microsurgical tubotubal reanstomosis with the advantages of the laparoscopic approach.
Journal: Med J Aust
Type: Journal Article
Study or Trial: Case Reports
Facility: Auburn
Keywords: Anastomosis, Surgical
Fallopian Tubes/su [Surgery]
Sterilization, Tubal
Suture Techniques
Appears in Collections:Auburn Hospital

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