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TitleOutbreaks of Fungal Infections in Hospitals: Epidemiology, Detection, and Management
Authors: Douglas, A. P.;Stewart, A. G.;Halliday, Catriona L.;Chen, Sharon C-A.
WSLHD Author: Halliday, Catriona L.;Chen, Sharon C-A.
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Journal of Fungi 9(11):29, 2023
Abstract: Nosocomial clusters of fungal infections, whilst uncommon, cannot be predicted and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Here, we review reports of nosocomial outbreaks of invasive fungal disease to glean insight into their epidemiology, risks for infection, methods employed in outbreak detection including genomic testing to confirm the outbreak, and approaches to clinical and infection control management. Both yeasts and filamentous fungi cause outbreaks, with each having general and specific risks. The early detection and confirmation of the outbreak are essential for diagnosis, treatment of affected patients, and termination of the outbreak. Environmental sampling, including the air in mould outbreaks, for the pathogen may be indicated. The genetic analysis of epidemiologically linked isolates is strongly recommended through a sufficiently discriminatory approach such as whole genome sequencing or a method that is acceptably discriminatory for that pathogen. An analysis of both linked isolates and epidemiologically unrelated strains is required to enable genetic similarity comparisons. The management of the outbreak encompasses input from a multi-disciplinary team with epidemiological investigation and infection control measures, including screening for additional cases, patient cohorting, and strict hygiene and cleaning procedures. Automated methods for fungal infection surveillance would greatly aid earlier outbreak detection and should be a focus of research.
Journal: Journal of Fungi
Type: Journal Article
Study or Trial: Review
Facility: Westmead
Appears in Collections:Westmead Hospital 2019 - 2024

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