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TitleResearchers call for more flexible editorial conduct rather than abruptly adopting only the new MASLD nomenclature
Authors: Lonardo, A.;Bril, F.;Caldwell, S. H.;Eslam, Mohammed;Fan, J. G.;Gish, R. G.;Gronbaek, H.;Sanal, M. G.;Stefan, N.;Suzuki, A.;Targher, G.;Tilg, H.;Yu, M. L.;Zheng, M. H.;George, Jacob
WSLHD Author: Eslam, Mohammed;George, Jacob
Subjects: Research Personnel
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Journal of Hepatology
Type: Journal Article
Study or Trial: Letter
Department: Journal of Hepatology 80(5):e192-e194, 2024
Facility: Westmead
Appears in Collections:Westmead Hospital 2019 - 2024

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